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Acrocanthosaurus ("high-spined reptile") is a theropod that lived in North America during the Early Cretaceous.[110 Million Years] It grew up to 40 feet long and weighed 5 tons. It hunted large herbivores such as Tenontosaurus and Paluxysaurus. It had blade like teeth and massive arms tipped with 8 inch claws. The Acrocanthosaurus is trying to take down giant herbivore with its size and strength. Quick and agile, the Acrocanthosaurus is smart enough to kill the belly and the neck of Paluxysaurus. The Acrocanthosaurus targets the small herbivore called Tenontosaurus could easily put up a huge fight. The Tenontosaurus uses its tail to fight back while this fierce carnivore comes in for the kill. Its tail vs. 8 inch claws. Then a young Acrocanthosaurus starts to eat a dead Tenontosaurus until it was confronted with a small agile predator called Deinonychus. It was a very deadly predator with its large brain, good night vision, and good sense of smell and hearing. It possessed speed and agility with its stiff tail of counterbalance. It had sharp teeth, sharp claws on its hand, and special adaptation killing claw on its feet. It could leap more than 10 feet in the air to target enemies like the juvenile Acrocanthosaurus. And Deinonychus is not alone. It is a pack hunter. A juvenile Acro is disadvantaged while it confronting with a team of a fast-agile acrobatic assassins. So one on one, Deinonychus was no match for Acro. But a Deinonychus gang could seriously drive a juvenile Acro away from its fresh kill and steal its food. So what remained on the menu? The options weren’t appealing. The armored Ankylosaurid called Sauropelta. It’s smaller and lighter than the Acro. Sauropelta is a 3 foot armadillo covered in rhino horns. Acro was not designed to take down small and tough prey like that. It was put on earth to do one thing very well: to kill gigantic sauropod dinosaurs. So when its prey started to vanish, the time of Acrocathosaurus was at the end. Like so many specialized animals, Acrocanthosaurus recently became obsolete. But before it vanished, it was one of the North American big game hunters who had ever seen.


The range of Acrocanthosaurus went through most of the United States. Its fossils are found in Maryland, Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. It's range is mostly were large prey items like Sauroposeidon, Tenontosaurus, and Paluxysaurus and Sauropelta. It faced a team of small fast and agile assassins like Deinonychus.