Monsters Resurrected Wiki

Spinosaurus was the largest land carnivore ever. It appears in the first episode of Monsters Resurrected.



Spinosaurus was the world's greatest mystery. For years, the skeleton has not been completely uncovered, scientists trying to piece together what it actually was. Spinosaurus is a dinosaur with huge claws, a long snout and a sail on its back. Spinosaurus was the longest and largest land carnivore ever, they could reach 55-65 feet in length ad at least 9 tonnes in weight in 20 years. Based on some research data, Spinosaurus was believed to be even bigger. As the Spinosaurus which shown in the beginning of the episode, it's head being shown even slightly bigger than the 30 foot (as described in the episode) Rugops. In this episode, It is seen killing a Rugops after it killed a baby Paralititan. It then chases a Rugops and kills it. It is also seen walking towards Sarcosuchus and slashes the crocodile apart. Then, we see it attack a teenage Paralititan before being smacked in the face. It defeats a Carcharodontosaurus by smacking it in the face, but at the end was killed and eaten by a pack of Rugops when he wanted to steal a dead Paralititan.

Spinosaurus killing a Carcharodontosaurus


  • Spinosaurus' holotype fossil was, sadly, destroyed by bombers in WWII.
  • Spinosaurus was used to hunting fish, not dinosaurs.
  • The Spinosaurus in the series was depicted to be more powerful and fearsome than it actually was.
  • In 2014, Spinosaurus was reconstructed and now depicted with short hind legs, able to walk in a quadrupedal stance, and being mostly aquatic. The sail has been changed from round-like to trapezoid-like.
  • Spinosaurus was shown to pronate its hands, something it couldn't do in real life without breaking its wrists.
  • The Spinosaurus shown in the episode was 25-52 feet (7.6-15.8 meters) tall, 65-134.6 feet (19.8-41 meters) long, In actuality, it measured anywhere from 49 feet to 51 feet (14.9352 to 15.5448 meters) in length, standing at a height of 16.5 feet (5 meters), and weighed around 23 tons (46,000 lb).